Takeaways from the Oregon Equal Pay Act
To recap our previous post, wage discrepancies between employees may only be based on the following bona fide reasons: A seniority system; A merit system; A system measuring earnings by quantity or quality of production (including piece rate); Workplace location; Travel (if necessary and regular for employees); Education; Training; Experience; or A combination of these […]
Oregon Equal Pay Act of 2017
Oregon Governor Kate Brown has signed H.B. 2005 into law, also known as the Oregon Equal Pay Act of 2017. This law aims to reduce persistent pay inequities, and also provides a safe harbor for employers that have voluntarily assessed their pay practices to identify and eliminate discriminatory actions. Under the OEPA, employers may not […]
Oregon minimum wage increase
Oregon’s minimum wage will increase on July 1, as follows: Within Portland’s Urban Growth Boundary: $11.25 Frontier Counties*: $10.00 Remaining Areas: $10.25 The new minimum wage applies for hours worked on July 1st, 2017, and later. If your pay period spans that date, you can choose to pay June hours at the lower rate. When […]
Working Interviews and Alternatives
Few things are more frustrating for employers than finding out that a new hire oversold their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The employee looked great on paper and appeared confident and competent in the interview, but when it came to doing the basic duties of the job, they just didn’t have what it took. To lessen […]